When the 'blog posts quit coming, it means Eric is SUPER BUSY. Thanks to two jobs, coaching, school, training and trying to get stuff squared away in case I have to go to the Po-Po academy I'm constantly going from one thing to the next. I'm skipping my fav. T.V. show right now so ya'll can get yer Zippy fix. Haha!
Last week I spent some time "training"...

Yes. It's as fun as it looks! We spent two days learning how to rescue victims in all types of conditions and even practiced picking people off the jettys at So C-Bad. With practice, it's incredible how maneuverable PWC's are (Personal Water Craft).
Money is still tight 'cause the State pays us peanuts.

At least my office has a window with an awesome view. Any other job must totally suck after working at the beach all the time. No wonder we have guys with 20+ years on the job.

We had some BIG surf blow through a while back, which pushed a bunch of Lobster traps into the surf line. Since we don't want people getting caught in the ropes and drowning (which can happen), we go into the water and pull them out. The irony of lifeguards risking getting caught in the lines so other people don't didn't escape me. The difference is we carry knives so we can cut ourselves free.
Where lobsters come from! Mmmmm, butter....

We get one hour of paid "PT" (Physical Training) every day. I take full advantage of it and run the trails at work. Since Torrey Pines sits on a 400 foot high bluff, the trails to the beach are STEEP. Hell yeah that's gonna pay off for Xterra this year.

I went for a walk today and snapped some photos to make ya'll jealous. :D

If you live in the area and haven't stopped by, you're seriously blowing it.

You can just make out the switchbacks in the photo that I run down on my break runs.

Um, yeah. Today was pretty awesome.

More switchbacks to run. Scripps and downtown La Jolla in the distance. There's also a nude beach that's popular with gay men. Yay...
(Random thought: why do naked people like volleyball so much. Anyone??)

More switchbacks on the way back up the cliff. Two loops is about 5 miles and take 45 minutes at a moderate effort. Thankfully, there are no bicycles OR HORSES allowed in the reserve. Loving it.

Livin' the life! Now if it only paid more!
