On the roadbike too! Doc says spiral fracture and it needs a pin. I go to see the Ortho on Tuesday. Bye bye fitness...

Reader's digest version: descending, blind corner, water on the road and concrete drainage with huge channels cut into it for water flow and slippery algae growing in it. Rear tire slides on concrete from braking, front tire washes out, gravity, fingers slip into channel and stop my slide, taking the brunt of the impact.
Luke: "You ok?"
Me: "...that's a broken hand..."
Luke hauls ass back and gets my truck, I drive home and g/f and I spend a few hours in the ER. Woo...
Swollen. Note the bloody finger; not the one I broke. Odd.

Note how the broken finger is pushed over and crowding the rest. Thumb is just a bruise.

"Soft splint". Thing's hard as a rock and heavy to boot.

what doesn't kill ya...makes ya stronger bro!! keep your head up!
That sucks! I know what it's like though, broke my collarbone in February and fitness is just starting to start up again.
Major bummer Eric! Recover quick, now you can use this time to cover all the things youve been procrastinating over!
bummer man. Try to stay positive as hard as it is.
Was totally bummed to hear about the crash over the weekend. Healing vibes are going your way. Hope you're back out there sooner than expected.
Dude, so sorry to hear about the crash and the hand. Wishing you a quick recovery.
bummed for you!! :-(
Well if you had to break something, at least you did it in the most gnarly, photo-worthy way possible! I hope you get better soon!
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