Life stuff first! The Chemistry department granted my wish (petitions) and are begrudgingly allowing me to graduate. I'm still waiting for the University to process my stuff (yay bureuacrats!), but I have the paper that says I get to stop going to school. Woot!
Which means I no longer get to work for the campus bike shop and I'm now on unemployment until Lifeguarding starts up again. The drama that is my life never seems to stop.
The good news is that I get to train like ya'll wish you could (except Slater and James who never seem to go to work!) and I'm "doin' it" as it were. Can't wait to toe the line and see what I got in a few weeks!
Since I'm broke, I'm stuck training from home. Not a horrible thing since San Diego has some of the best training weather in the country. Saturday I headed out the door and pointed my wheels East. up HWY 67 towards Ramona. Headed for the ribbon in the background.
Once in Ramona (so THAT'S where S.D. rednecks live), I turned North on HWY 78. No pics there because the shoulder is actually a guardrail and a steep drop. Not riding though there again!
I found the Wild Animal Park...grrrr...
Stopped at a church for some water.
Notice the yellow computer on the bars? My tax return paid for the Power Tap I've been drooling over for the past two years. If not for the steep shop employee discount, there's no way I'd be able to afford it. I'm collecting data right now, but plan on moving to power-based workouts next month. Looking forwad to it!
I've got some stuff for sale since money's tight. My 1999 GT Zaskar that I rode to the 2006 Rim Nordic Beginner Series win. E-mail me for details.

dude... i work... a lot! my hours are just crazy. early mornings, late nights... it's just flexible! i love it!
the church water stop looks so familiar...always trying to catch my breath when I see that spot.
Sweet bikes dude but worth the trade for power. Let go break it in on Palomar
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