Last November was one of those moments when I spent a few days piloting a Jet Ski in the surf and around jettys.
Just over a week ago, I got a call from the boss telling me I'd been chosen for joint helicopter insertion training with County Sheriff's, Encinitas Lifeguards and Solana Beach Lifeguards.
It was as AWESOME as it sounds...
Waiting for the "go ahead" from the co-pilot (I'm the short one with the orange fins and whit helmet). Yes, that's a triathlon wetsuit. Notice the legs are cut for easy wetsuit removal in T1 ;).
"Thumbs up" to the co-pilot that we're ready to go.
Cool vantage point because you can see all the bottom features that create the currents and surf. Very cool!


...and then we did it 2 more times. All that and a paycheck too! Way stoked I got to be a part of that. No idea when or IF we'll ever use that sort of thing, but we all had a blast jumping off the helo a bunvh of times. :D
...and then we did it 2 more times. All that and a paycheck too! Way stoked I got to be a part of that. No idea when or IF we'll ever use that sort of thing, but we all had a blast jumping off the helo a bunvh of times. :D
As for training, it's been very hit-or-miss. Ten-hour shifts make it tough to get up the next day and drag my ass to Master's or head out the door for a run when the sun isnt even up yet. It's seriously making me think I should just race MTB this year; especially given that MTB races are HALF the cost of tri's. So tempting.
I've got a few days off right now so I'm putting some solid training down, but Wednesday I start 9 days in a row. Ouch.
Time to knuckle up.
very cool bro! i would almost pay to do something like that!
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