Today I had some hill repeats scheduled. Since the local trails are all still wet and closed, I figured Mt Soledad would be my best bet. It gets steep in spots...

Really steep...


Obligatory handlebar shot for Allison. Note the super-bling S-Works Quick-Step gloves I'm flossin'. ;) Thanks to B&L for the freebie!

Heading back down the hill after my second repeat, I noticed some guy jogging up and it looked like he was dragging something...
As I caught him I noticed he had TWO tires on a chain and was draggin them UP the hill. What?!

His shirt says "Boston" and "Kelley" with a shamrock in the middle. I guess he's training for the Boston Marathon.
James totally needs to do this for the Pike's Peak 1/2 he's doing. LOL!

Windy on the way up every time. A little foggy, but 360 deg. views of SD anyway.
Looking North towards Black's Beach and UCSD:

...and South toward Mission Bay and beyond.

A great day to be on the bike and a lot of good work done today. I even saw
Trevor heading up as I was heading down after my last repeat. I was going too fast to snap a pic, though.
Living in San Diego rocks!
That looks like a killer day! I am most jealous of your bike lanes. We were riding on rocks next to a barrier with opposing traffic honking at us for no reason riding around town today.
Saw Neil from Intense, and I guess Luke saw us. We also saw 3 Ouch riders (no Floyd). Lots of people out today!! :) got photos of the famous tire man! That's like getting a photo of Sasquatch! He's a mythical legend! Well done...
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